Tuesday, December 20, 2022


The JVP is an important sign to look out for especially for the CVS station.

The JVP will indicate if there is presence of fluid overload. 

Students are expected to know how to measure the JVP and to identify the characteristic features of a JVP. The height of the JVP is measured from the manubriosternal angle (Angle of Louis) until the top of the JVP pulsation. 

An abnormal JVP is a measurement of > 3cm above the manubriosternal angle. 

The JVP is best assessed in good lighting so ensure that you have your pen torch ready for extra illumination.

JVP characteristics:

1. Visible but not palpable

2. Presence of double waveform

3. It is occludable at the base of the neck

4. There is hepatojugular reflux 


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