Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Hiatus Explained

Dear students,

First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to those who have made it through the recent MBBS Finals for Class of 2022. To those who did not make it, keep pressing on. Cross that hurdle and earn your title. 

Secondly, I would like to extend my apologies for the prolonged silence in this blog. There have been no new posts since Dec 2022. This is because I have been distracted since Jan 2023 by many issues, some of which include myself being posted to a new Specialist Hospital i.e. Hospital Pendang. With this move, I am no longer able to conduct direct clinical teachings with Final Year students. 

On top of that, I have also been busy with my new role as a visiting consultant physician in a private medical centre in Alor Setar city. 

However, teaching is a passion I have and I would still go back to teaching whenever the opportunity arises. 

Therefore, following this post, I will begin to continue updating this blog and posting relevant clinical cases and sharings to assist students in preparing for their final professional exams. 

May I request everyone who have been following this blog, to share with your juniors and encourage them to share with their juniors as well so that the knowledge imparted here will be passed on continuously.

 And also feel free to update or comment if there are any new information regarding clinical medicine or examination techniques which I may miss out. I try to keep up with the latest developments in clinical medicine, but I may fall short in certain areas. Appreciate it if we can keep each other updated whenever needed. 

If there are any requests for certain topics to be discussed, feel free to post in the comment below this post. 

To the new batch of final year students, good luck and enjoy the process. Internal Medicine is fun. 

Happy learning. 


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